International Space Development Conference May 2018

I am so humbled and honored by the following announcement

I will be present at the dinner table during the evening which Jeff Bezos will receive an award this month.

It may be in the news!

Jeff Bezos will be the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Gerard K. O’Neill Memorial Award for Space Settlement Advocacy to be awarded at the Society’s yearly conference.

Jeff Bezos is the CEO and Founder of Amazon & Founder of the Blue Origin

Among the speakers, that evening will be Mr. Freeman Dyson

I am an official member of the NSS which is directly affiliated to NASA along with the global space societies and establishments, astronauts, investors and much more, from USA (NASA) to the Canadian space to Russian space centers

More information:…/jeff-Bezos-has-blue-origins-motto-on……/spacewatch-one-step-on-for-sp…

Jack Ghazalian