From the American Gem Academy

Are you curious about the Science of Gemology?

Do you speak English, Spanish or French?



A glimpse? No, more than just a glimpse (100 pages to 102 pages depending on the language)*

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This idea manifested itself early last week through a series of emails between our academies. The end result….a new course that is available in three languages (English, Spanish and French) and is FREE to anyone who wants to take it. Consisting of four lessons (100 pages to 102 pages depending on the language) it has been taken from our new Gem Identification course and covers basic gem identification and three important gemstone color groupings (red, colorless or white and blue). We know that the world is facing a very real crisis and people are worried about their health and how they are going to cope financially. We are also aware that in order to fight this deadly virus, we must self-isolate. Instinctively, we are social beings and shutting ourselves away does not come naturally. We wanted to offer an opportunity for all the gem lovers out there to be distracted just for a while from the terrible news that is unfolding worldwide. This will not change the current situation but it may help to counteract the feelings of being separated from friends and family.

You can access the course through the website by clicking on this link:


*(This free course does not qualify anyone to earn a Gemology Degree nor a Certificate of accomplishment. No quizzes nor any tests – Just download and enjoy)

Please stay safe and reach out to family and friends.


Jack Ghazalian, DG, CSG, GG, RGA

Director of Corporate & Career Development USA

International Distinguished Scholar

GIA Graduate Gemologist

Certified by the Honor Society (Washington D.C)

Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education)

Geological Society of America

American Association for the Advancement of Science

National Space Society (NSS/NASA)

The Planetary Society